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Clinical Toxicology and Pharmacology Laboratory

Director: Dr. Ester Schallmach

Laboratory Deputy Director: Dr. Anat Shriki

Head of the Occupational Toxicology Unit: Maya Tepperberg

Head of the Forensic Toxicology Unit:
Dr. Naama David

Head of the Chromatography Department:
Dr. Jana (Avital) Goltzman

Head of the Drugs and Alcohol Division:
Dr. Yariv Kanfi

Head of the Postmortem Toxicology Division: Dr. Adi Tzameret


Tel: 03-530-2358

Fax: 03-535-1596



Hospitalization Tower, Laboratory Wing, Ground Floor

Directions to Sheba

Fields of laboratory activity

Acute toxicology involves the discovery, identification, and quantification of drugs and poisons in body fluids to aid in diagnosis and to monitor the efficacy of certain treatments. 

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is used for drug monitoring in therapeutic settings. 

Drug testing: National-level drug testing is conducted for therapeutic purposes, using body fluids of drug addicts who are undergoing treatment within the framework of diagnostic and rehab centers in the State of Israel.

Forensic toxicology offers valuable laboratory support in nationwide forensic investigations. It plays a vital role in demonstrating drug possession and usage, cases involving driving under the influence, as well as determining the cause of death in suspected poisoning incidents. Our services encompass conducting tests, interpreting findings, providing expert opinions, and delivering expert testimony in courts.

Occupational toxicology: a nationwide service ensuring the safety and well-being of workers exposed to environmental chemical pollutants in their line of work. Our laboratory also offers analytical services to test for chemical pollutants in workplace air samples.
