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Service Center Service Center

Directions to the Allergy Clinic I do not have a Form 17. What should I do? How to access my personal medical file. Many questions arise when you come in for a consultation, treatment or hospitalization. We have established our customer service center, the only one of its kind in hospitals in Israel, to provide you with all answers at one number: +972-3-530-3030 So what's the question? Sheba at your service

Directions to the Allergy Clinic I do not have a Form 17. What should I do? How to access my personal medical file. Many questions arise when you come in for a consultation, treatment or hospitalization. We have established our customer service center, the only one of its kind in hospitals in Israel, to provide you with all answers at one number: +972-3-530-3030 So what's the question? Sheba at your service


Contact us



Operating Hours

Sunday-Thursday, 7:00-23:00
Friday and Holiday eves, 7:00-13:00

Pardon me, I just have a question

How do connect to my medical file through Sheba connect?
Easily. Log in to, enter your ID. No., telephone number and e-mail address, and that’s all there is to it. You've joined Sheba connect and, starting today, you can see your test results, manage your appointments, review medical summaries and send in your Form 17 >> How to connect to Sheba connect

The health fund refuses to issue a Form 17 for Sheba, what do I do?
That's what we're here for. Contact us with the following documents: Signed power of attorney; photocopy of ID card; Medical summary with a recommendation for the required treatment; Invitation for treatment at the hospital; Health fund’s rejection letter. >> For further details

Where can I park at Sheba?
There are plenty of parking options at Sheba, they appear on the map here >> Getting around Sheba
If you’ve parked far from your destination, order our free shuttle using the Sheba Bus app.