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Sheba Medical Center’s Director General Named as One of the Top Hospital CEO's by Newsweek

Prof. Yitshak Kreiss was selected to the renowned global list of executives committed to healthcare excellence and bettering patient lives


The prestigious Newsweek magazine has chosen Professor Yitshak Kreiss, Director General of Sheba Medical Center, as one of Top Hospital CEO's in the world. This first-of-its-kind list recognizes the CEOs and directors leading advances in healthcare at the world’s most accomplished medical facilities, with honorees demonstrating a two-fold attention to providing impactful patient care while driving innovation in health care management. 

Under the leadership of Prof. Kreiss, Sheba has been transformed into a "City of Health", where the introduction of innovation, spearheaded by AI and other game-changing technologies is shaping the future of healthcare, enabling Sheba to be also recognized as a "World's Best Hospital" for 6 consecutive years by Newsweek.

"The State of Israel is facing one of its most challenging periods in its history, in the realm of its security, financial well-being and safety of its population. As has been with other crises, which the country has faced in the past, Sheba is at the forefront of providing assistance to anyone in need of safe-guarding their healthcare. We continue to be a model of co-existence during this difficult period and an anchor of stability in our region. Newsweek's recognition of Sheba, highlights what everyone knows and feels, providing high-quality healthcare to any person or nation in need as its prime directive, rising above conflicts and wars," said Prof. Kreiss.

Prof. Yitshak Kreiss has served as Director General of Sheba Medical Center since 2016, having previously served as the Surgeon General of the Israel Defense Forces. Amongst his various assignments in the Israel Defense Forces, Prof. Kreiss led various humanitarian assistance missions to Haiti and Kosovo. He also was instrumental in creating a field hospital on the border with Syria, during their civil war. Prof. Kreiss also created Sheba's renowned Humanitarian and Disaster Response Center (HDRC), the first unit of its kind in Israel that has provided critical humanitarian outreach within conflict zones. In 2022, HDRC built a Field Hospital in war torn Ukraine.