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Amit Huppert, PhD

Amit Huppert, PhD


Phone: 03-7731420, 050-9804462

Position: Head, Biostatistics & Biomathematics Unit, Gertner Institute for Epidemiology & Health Policy Research

Research Interests: 

My work applies transdisciplinary computational approaches to address public health challenges for a wide range of infectious diseases. I develop and apply a range of different mathematical, computational, modeling and statistical inference aimed at revealing, understanding and quantifying different key aspects in infectious disease epidemiology and dynamics.


2002-2004, Postdoctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA     

1997-2002, Ph.D, Zoology, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

1995-1997, M.Sc., Special Ecology Program, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 

1992-1995, B.Sc, Faculty of Life Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 


The Gertner Institute for Epidemiology & Health Policy Research, Director, Biostatistics & Biomathematics Unit

Tel Aviv University, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, Senior Lecturer

Research Grants & Awards:

2022-2027, PI: E. Jurkevitch CO-PI: Amit Huppert, A combined experimental and modeling eco-evolutionary study of predator-prey dynamics in bacteria, Israel Science Foundation (ISF) (1,477,000 NIS)

2021-2022, PI: Amit Huppert, O-PI: Sharon Amit & Gili Regev, Dynamics of hospital-acquired infection during COVID-10, Sheba Gertner grant (40,000 NIS)

2020-2025, PI: Amit Huppert CO-PI: A.Ziv, Developing methodologies for approximating waiting time for doctor appointments, Israeli Ministry of Health (2,000,000 NIS)

2020-2024, PI: Amit Huppert CO-PI: J. Lewnard, Analyzing the causes for mumps re-emergence in vaccinated populations, combining epidemiology with statistics, BSF- US Israel Binational Science Foundation (320,000 USD)

2020-2021, PI: Amit Huppert CO-PI: J. Lewnard, Computational methods for integrating sequence and epidemiological data to model transmission of infectious diseases, Koret-Berkeley-Tel Aviv (KBT) initiative (20,000 USD)

2020-2021, PI: Amit Huppert, Mathematical and statistical models of COVID-19, Israeli Ministry of Health (800,000 NIS)

2018-2020, PI: Amit Huppert CO-PI: Micha Mandel,    Developing a methodology for hospital-acquired infection rate comparable assessment in Israel, The Israeli National Institute for Health Policy Research    (307,340 NIS)

2018-2019, PI: Amit Huppert, Influenza school vaccination in Israel, Israeli Ministry of Health (150,000 NIS)

2015-2018, PI: D. Kadouri & E. Jurkevitch, CO-PI: Amit Huppert, Predatory bacteria from Basic research to application, DARPA (300,000 USD)

2014-2016, PI: Amit Huppert CO-PI: B. Velan and G. Regev, Policies for vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus in the Israeli multi-cultural population, The Israeli National Institute for Health (268,400 NIS)

2014, PI: Amit Huppert, Modeling vaccination of Brucellosis in Israel    , The Israeli veterinary society (222,420 NIS)

2013-2018, PI: G. Regev and A. Ziad CO-PI: Amit Huppert, The Palestinian-Israeli Collaborative Research (PICR) on Antibiotic Resistant Community Pathogens, USAIDMERC (600,000 USD)

2013-2015, PI: B. Velan, A Ziv and G. Kaplan CO-PI: Amit Huppert, Analyzing the 2013 polio outbreak in Israel    , The Israeli National Institute for Health (    300,000 NIS)

2013-2015, PI: Amit Huppert, Real Time Mathematical Modeling for Pandemic Influenza, The Israeli National Institute for Health (221,760 NIS)

2012-2016, PI: E. Jurkevitch, CO-PI: Amit Huppert, Predator-prey dynamics and cell behavior in microbial predatory interactions, Israel Science Foundation (ISF) (1,200,000 NIS)

2010-2013, PI: G. Regev CO-PI: Amit Huppert, The tools required for judicious decision making of vaccination policy: PCV7 as a case study    The Israeli National Institute for Health (500,000 NIS)

2009-2014, PI: A Warbug CO-PI: Amit Huppert, Integrated control of visceral Leishmaniasis in Ethiopian Kala-Azar Foci Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (200,000 USD), TOTAL PROJECT 5,000,000 USD


Here is a link to the list of publications of Dr. Amit Huppert