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Center for Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering

Head of LaboratoryProf. Leor lab


Regenerative medicine is an emerging interdisciplinary field of research and clinical applications focused on the repair, replacement or regeneration of cells, tissue, or organs. It uses a combination of approaches including soluble molecules, gene therapy, stem cell transplantation, tissue engineering, and the reprogramming of cells and tissue.

The Sheba Center for Regenerative Medicine is dedicated to understanding how tissues are formed and may be repaired. Our primary goal is to develop novel therapies to regenerate damaged tissue and overcome debilitating chronic disease.

Driven by this goal, we test new approaches for regenerative therapies using novel cell sources, genes, soluble molecules and biomaterials.

the lab staff in a group picture


The uniqueness of our center results from

  • The combination of high-profile world leaders in a single center.

  • The comprehensive investigation of disease-specific conditions of regeneration.

  • The combination of biomedical disciplines with medicine, biology, and genomic research.

  • The integrated translational program towards early clinical application.

cardiac alpha actin connexin 43

  • Histological examination at 1 month after hCPCs injection into nude rat myocardium after MI, indicated that the transplanted cells formed a stable graft with positive staining for human cardiac α-actin and gap-junction protein connexin 43.


Postmortem morphometric analysis of sections from infarcted hearts

Postmortem morphometric analysis of sections from infarcted hearts treated with alginate biomaterial with or without staged fetal cardiomyocyte transplantation, collagen biomaterial or saline. 
