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Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

 Director: Dr. Sharon Amit 

Deputy Director: Natasha Belausov, MSc
Phone: 03-5302176

Deputy Director: Dr. Shiraz Gefen-Halevi,
Phone: 03-5307016


For inquiries to the Secretariat:
Phone: 03-5302305
Fax: 03-5302015

The Unit’s Administration:
Gayane Sarkisian
Phone: 03-5302326

Ana Listman
Phone: 03-5302331


Laboratory building, Entrance floor

Directions to Sheba

The Clinical Microbiology laboratory serves as the diagnostic branch for the Infectious Disease and Infection Control and Prevention Units, working closely with infectious disease specialists and other medical teams in all departments of the Medical Center.

The laboratory provides services to in-patient well as out-patient departments and the community. These services include diagnosing and identifying microorganisms of all kinds, including bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.

The laboratory avails itself of different platforms for this service including classic microbiology - microscopy and phenotypic specification, MALDI-TOF, manual and automatic sensitivity methods, various molecular assays and serology. In addition, it serves as the national reference center for Neisseria meningitides (Meningococcus).

The Sheba Corona Laboratory operates out of this laboratory, applying various molecular diagnostic testing platforms.

The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (including the Corona Laboratory) is the only one in Israel certified under ISO 15189 issued by the Israel Laboratory Accreditation Authority and thus serves as a knowledge center in various professional fields and in quality matters.

In addition to the routine work, the lab staff conduct extensive independent research and collaborate broadly with colleagues at the hospital, in universities and the private sector. The team also works closely with researchers and entrepreneurs at the Innovation Center (ARC) associated with Sheba Medical Center.
