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Diagnosis of fetal anomalies

Person in charge: Prof. Reuven Ahiron

Charge nurse: Mrs. Yehudit Schick

Charge clerk: Mrs. Betty Mizrahi

Person in charge of clinic: Ms. Galit Segev

The center accepts the financial commitment form (Form 17) from all health funds as well as official referrals from other institutions. 

Female patients without Form 17 (without coverage from a health fund) can request a doctor's examination at a cost of 135 NIS.


Phones: 03-5308116, 03-5302787, 03-5302024

Fax: 03-5303168

Clinic hours:

Sunday-Thursday, 8:30-14:00 

In some cases when a fetal anomaly is diagnosed, intrauterine intervention may not be necessary, and monitoring alone is sufficient.

Follow-up is usually done by a multidisciplinary team that includes: genetic counselors, fetal imaging doctors, neonatologists and doctors from various professions (pediatric surgeon, pediatric nephrologist, pediatric neurologist, pediatric cardiologist, plastic surgeon, etc.).
