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Emergency Medicine and Trauma

Technician in Charge: Yevgeny Druskin

The Imaging Unit of the Emergency Room conducts conventional X-rays, ultrasound exams, and CT scans. These tests are performed quickly to provide immediate clarification for emergency patients and trauma victims.
The advanced multi-slice CT scanner, situated near the trauma rooms of the Emergency Room, enables a comprehensive evaluation of trauma victims - including scans of the head, neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis areas - in just a matter of minutes. Plus, by combining scans at various stages after the injection of contrast material, we eliminate the need for additional tests to be performed outside the emergency department.
In the emergency department, CT scans are commonly used for various indications, among them suspected stroke or intracranial bleeding, suspected pulmonary embolism, suspected aortic rupture, acute abdomen, traumatic injury, and more.
At the Imaging Unit in the Emergency Department, our team comprising both doctors and technicians are dedicated to providing exceptional, prompt, and efficient patient care to the best of their abilities. 
Our staff is fully aware of the potential radiation damage that may be associated with tests involving ionizing radiation. Therefore, in close collaboration with the attending physician, we will do our best to carefully evaluate the necessity of each procedure.
