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Hip ultrasound clinic for newborns

Clinic manager: Dr. Gadi Bialik


Phone: 03-5307952

Clinic Hours:



Edmond & Lily Safra Children's Hospital building, 2nd floor from the elevators next to the Pediatric Emergency Department, or for those coming from the Ha-Tzomet Mall - 2nd floor

Directions to Sheba

In the newborn's hip joint ultrasound clinic, we diagnose congenital dislocation of the newborn's hip joint (Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip - DDH), sometimes immediately after release from the neonatal ward (by appointment). If the test results are normal, there's no need for the DDH test at the health fund when the baby reaches six weeks. But if the results aren't normal, we can start treatment and follow-up earlier, right here at our clinic.
