Kidney Stone Clinic
Doctor in Charge: Dr. Husam Qasim
Charge Nurse: Malka Avital
Phone: 03-5302585
Fax: 03-5304906
Clinic hours:
Sunday to Thursday, 08:00-14:00
The Kidney Stone Clinic specialises in diagnosing, treating, and preventing kidney stones. We provide comprehensive care for individuals with recurrent kidney stones, those who developed kidney stones at a young age, or have a family history or underlying medical or metabolic conditions that elevate their risk of forming kidney stones, ensuring dedicated follow-up.
At our clinic, we conduct thorough metabolic investigations using blood and urine tests, alongside careful monitoring of kidney functions and renal complications by our nephrology team.
The clinic works hand in hand with the endo-urology unit of the urological institute which specializes in the removal of kidney stones, and with the genetics unit of the Sheba Medical Center.