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Maria Raitses-Gurevich PhD

Maria Raitses-Gurevich PhD


Phone: 03-5307424

Position: Senior Researcher

Research Interests: Pancreatic cancer early detection, cfDNA-based methodologies, Targeted sequencing, Resistance to treatment, Pancreas DTI-MR

Areas of Expertise: Pancreatic Cancer, Early detection, Liquid biopsies


I am a senior researcher in the pancreatic cancer translational research laboratory headed by Prof. Talia Golan, seeking to understand pancreatic cancer’s biology, with especial relevance to BRCA-associated tumors. I am especially interested in understanding the spectrum of response to treatment among BRCA mutations carriers and to understand the resistance mechanisms underlying lack of sensitivity to treatment. In addition, I am involved in development of early detection technologies that are of outmost importance for high risk populations. I am a member of a multi-national PRECEDE consortium for early detection research.

My main focus is on early detection of pancreatic cancer and thus I am co-leading the early detection methods discovery for pancreatic cancer based on blood biomarkers from high-risk individuals to facilitate non-invasive and specific detection of suspicious lesions and thus improve future disease outcomes. Additionally, I am collaborating with imaging department on developing better MRI-based technologies for early pancreatic cancer detection. My additional goals include expertise in mechanisms of resistance of pancreatic cancer to treatment and finding alternative treatments to overcome it.


2004-2010, Ph.D in molecular biology, Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology, School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

2001-2003, M.Sc in molecular biology Department of Cell Research and Immunology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

1999-2001, B.Sc in biology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel


Sheba Medical Center, Cancer Center

Research Grants & Awards:

2024-2025, cfDNA-based biomarkers of initial Platinum/PARPi resistance in BRCA-associated PDAC, Co-Investigator

2022-2024, Bile-based microvesicle proteomic profiling for pancreatic Cancer Early  Detection, Co-PI

2022-2024, Development of specific and sensitive biomarkers for pancreatic cancer early detection, Co-Investigator


Here is a link to the list of publications of Dr. Maria Raitses-Gurevich