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Medical records

Director: Ariella Alter
Deputy Director: Shelly Rachmani
Medical Records Coordinator: Yehudit Alia
Clinic and ER Medical Documentation Inquiry Manager: Yossi Rahamim
Outpatient Clinic Documentation Coordinator: Moshe Lior
We suggest that you contact us by e-mail.

Receiving a hospitalizaiton medical record
Tel: +972-3-530-2295. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00-13:00
Fax: +972-3-530-3828
Public reception: 9:00-13:00

Attending Physician/Hospital Inquiries
Tel: +972-3-530-3145. Sunday-Thursday, 09:00-15:00
Fax: +972-3-530-3818

Clinic and Institute Medical Records
Tel: +972-3-530-2715. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 08:00-13:00

Information Gathering Companies/Lawyer Inquiries
Hospitalization File

Tel: +972-3-530-3829
Fax: +972-3-530-7813

For files from clinics or ER’s - Lawyers
Tel: +972-3-530-2951
ER Debts, Payment and Medical Information
Tel: +972-3-530-7475. Sunday-Thursday, 8:00-14:00
Fax: +972-3-530-7447
Public reception: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:00-13:00

Records Building (southern part of the hospital, down the road from the Heart Institute), entrance level, first room on the right.
The Medical Records and Information department compiles, stores, monitors and prepares copies of medical records generated at the Sheba Medical Center, subject to the Patient Rights Law.

You may obtain medical documents, including:

Copy of  disease summary/discharge letter
Surgical reports
Pathology results
Lab and auxiliary tests
Complete hospitalizaiton record

Who is entitled to information?

Patients may contact the Medical Records department by e-mail (along with a copy of their ID card) and request information about their medical care. Relatives seeking information on behalf of the patients must attach a letter from the patient, waiving medical confidentiality in their favor. In case of minors, the legal guardians must submit a request along with the ID card and voucher containing the minor’s details. 

A request from the attending physician must be sent on clinic letterhead, with the patient’s full name and ID. No., details of the required information, the requesting physician’s signature and stamp and contact details for the requesting physician/hospital/health fund.

Requests for information about deceased patients can be sent by e-mail or obtained by visiting the Records Department during the reception hours above, along with an ID Card. The medical records will be disclosed only to an immediate relative or to heirs noted on an inheritance or probate order issued by a court.

What should the request contain?

Photocopy of an ID Card or Passport. In case of a minor, a photocopy of the parents’ ID card and the voucher containing the minor’s details.
Full Name
Contact tel.

Is the service subject to a fee?

According to Ministry of Health regulations, obtaining a copy of a medical record is subject to a fee/

Medical record after 2018: 10 NIS

Medical record before 2018: 117 NIS

Hospitalization summaries, clinic visit summaries, lab and imaging test results are available at no cost, in the personal medical file in Sheba Connect.


Medical information for further treatment

For medical information for further treatment, contact the attending physician to submit a proper request. The information will be sent directly to the physician. The request must note that it is not a request for a full hospitalization record. This information is not subject to a fee.