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Orly Tamir, PhD, MHA

Orly Tamir, PhD, MHA



Phone:  Israel 03-530-3278, International +972-3-530-3278


Position:  Founding Director of the Pesach Segal Israeli Center for Diabetes Research and Policy


Areas of Expertise: Health policy, Primary prevention, Health promotion, Therapeutic patient education, Chronic disease management



Institution and location


Completion Date

Field of study

Graduate School of Medicine, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel



Health Technology Forecasting in Diabetes

Department of Health Systems Management, School of Business and Management, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Master of Health Administration


Health Administration

Department of Plant Sciences and Institute for Nature Conservation Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Master of Science


Life Sciences

Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel


Bachelor of Science




Residencies and Further Training:

2013-2014 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Center for Patient Safety Research and Practice, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA



Here is a link to the publications of Dr. Orly Tamir in Google Scholar


Research Grants & Awards:

2007-2008 Title: Evaluating approaches and components of disease management of diabetic patients in Israel.The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research.

Role: PI


2008 Title: School-based youth obesity and diabetes prevention program – feasibility study. Rashi Foundation.

Role: PI


2008-2009 Title: Reimbursement policy in Israel for orphan drugs. The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research.

Role: PI


2009-2010 Title: Youth obesity and diabetes prevention program – pilot study at the national level. D-Cure Foundation and Rashi Foundation.

Role: Program Manager andCo-Investigator


2011 Title: Obesity prevention and health promotion among children in Israel by taxation policy of unhealthy snacks and beverages. The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research.

Role: PI


2011-2012 Title: The measurement of agreement on quality of life in diabetes between diabetic patients and their physicians. Israel Association of Family Physicians.

Role: Co-PI


2015-2017 Title: Cost assessment of diabetes in Israel and the understanding of consequences for prevention measures. The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research.

Role: Co-PI


2017-2018 Title: Total cost of diabetes in Israel.The National Insurance Institute.

Role: Co-PI


2019-2020 Title: Nursing aids as health ambassadors in the community. The National Insurance Institute.

Role: PI


2019-2021 Title: Patient-reported outcomes and ambulatory glucose profiles in virtual T1DM clinic. European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes.

Role: Co-Investigator