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Professor Amitai Ziv, MD, MHA, Deputy Director of the Sheba Medical Center and Director of Sheba's Rehabilitation Hospital

Professor Amitai Ziv, MD, MHA, Deputy Director of the Sheba Medical Center and Director of Sheba's Rehabilitation Hospital

Prof. Ziv was a veteran combat pilot and instructor in the Israeli Air-Force. He trained as a Pediatrician in Israel (Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical Center) with sub-specialties in Adolescent Medicine (University of Pennsylvania, USA) and in Medical Management, and a Masters degree (Tel-Aviv University) in Health Administration.

He is a world renowned expert in the field of medical simulation. He founded the Israel Center for Medical Simulation to lead a nationwide effort to introduce new standards and innovative approaches to health care training and patient safety education. He is also the recipient of national and international awards including The 2007 Charles Bronfman Award for Humanitarian Action and The 2007 Michener Honorary Diploma of Health Science Award for leadership and commitment to the for Applied health sciences.

Prof. Ziv served on the founding editorial board of the Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). In 2015 he received The Presidential Citation Award on behalf of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) in recognition of his significant contributions for quality and patient safety through the use of simulations and his advancement of the science through his leadership, scholarship and mentorship. Prof. Ziv also served as a member of two WHO Patient Safety Alliance Expert Working Groups on Medical School Patient Safety Curriculum and on Patient Safety Technology.

Prof. Ziv is a Clinical Professor for Medical Education and serves as the Associate Dean at the Sheba Medical Center. He's also the past Chairman of the Department of Medical Education at the Tel Aviv University Sackler Medical School. He also holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position at Mayo Clinic (Medical Education) and at Case Western Reserve University (Pediatrics).