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Sara Promislow, MEd, PhD

Sara Promislow, MEd, PhD


Phone: 03-5303278

Position: Researcher at the Pesach Segal Israeli Center for Diabetes Research and Policy

Research Interests: Therapeutic patient education, food security, health promotion, implementation science



2010, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Center for Health Professions Education, University of Toronto, Canada

2005, PhD, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada

2000, Med, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada


Pesach Segal Israeli Center for Diabetes Research and Policy 

Research Grants & Awards:

2023-2025, Evaluation of a digital postoperative monitoring system for diabetic patients with peripheral artery disease following lower limb revascularization. Israel Ministry of Health Chief Scientist. Role: Co-Investigator


Here is a link to the list of publications of Sara Promislow, MEd, PhD