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Neonatology Array

Director: Dr. Irit Schushan-Eisen

Charge Nurse: Merav Vidal


Phones: 03-5305926, 03-5302449, 03-5302452


Maternity building

Directions to Sheba

In the neonatal unit, we treat around 1,000 to 900 newborns each month across various subunits.

Reception unit - The unit responsible for receiving newborns after birth, warming, bathing, vaccinations (vitamin K and hepatitis B), preliminary assessment by a nurse, and initial examination by a doctor. We believe in the right of the mother and her partner to choose, and therefore we respect special requests such as exclusive breastfeeding, no pacifier use, avoidance of vaccinations, avoidance of early bathing, or any other treatment for a healthy newborn.

Transition Unit - a neonatal care unit for infants requiring monitoring and supervision due to common medical issues.

Nursery - newborns stay when they are not by their mother's bedside.

Sheba Baby Maternity Hotel - the maternity hotel accommodates newborns whose parents chose to spend the hospitalization period there.

Jaundice Follow-up Clinic - Follow-up based on bilirubin level at discharge.

The neonatal array comprises medical and nursing staff, lactation consultants, a social worker, a speech therapist, hearing testers, laboratory technicians, National Service personnel, and Nila volunteers.

When does the newborn get to go home from the hospital? 

The length of hospital stay depends on the type of birth and the baby's condition. If everything is normal, the newborn gets to go home 40-48 hours after birth. In the case of a C-section, it might take 72-96 hours. As long as the mother is still in the hospital, the baby will stay right by her side.

The nursery team values the parents' right to choose when it comes to staying with the baby after birth. That's why we offer options like zero separation, full or flexible rooming-in. 

We invest a lot of effort in creating a comfortable, safe and pleasant environment for the baby and their parents, and act in accordance with the following basic principles:

Delivering professional, accountable, and secure care for both mother and newborn.
Creating an atmosphere of pleasantness, caring and support based on relationships of mutual respect and trust.

Promoting breastfeeding and the rooming-in method to ensure the wellbeing of both the mother and the newborn. 

Maintaining a safe environment for mother and newborn.


babes room
