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Wheelchair Rental

We've placed wheelchairs in the hospital's public areas, available for up to five hours at no cost, for the convenience of our patients and visitors. You can find these wheelchairs at several key spots around the hospital.

  • Parking Lot, Level 2, Cancer Center
  • Entrance to the Hospitalisation Building
  • ER - station located inside the ER and in the external area
  • Central Parking Lot (Hazomet Parking), Level 4
  • Central Parking Lot, Level 0
  • Rehabilitation Building

How does it work?

When you get to the station, simply swipe your credit card and enjoy a chair for free for the first five hours. After that, it's just 5 NIS for each extra hour. Just a friendly reminder: don't forget to return the chair to the station, or your credit card will be charged the full amount of 1,500 NIS.
The project's goal, in collaboration with Wheelshare, is to make the hospital more accessible for patients and people with disabilities, in accordance with the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Law.