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Yael Mardor, PhD

Yael Mardor, PhD



Phone: Israel 03-5302993, International +972-3-530-2993


Position: Chief Scientist, Advanced Technology Center


Areas of Expertise: brain, brain tumors, MRI, drug delivery, cancer


Education: PhD in Nuclear Physics Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

 Associate Professor of Oncology Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel




The Advanced Technology Center and Radiology Institute, Sheba Medical Center; Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University


Research Interests: 

Drug delivery into the brain, blood-brain barrier, brain MRI, brain tumors, cancer imaging



Here is a link to the list of publications of Dr. Yael Mardor in PubMed. PubMed is a database of scientific articles in the fields of medicine and life sciences


Research Grants and Awards: 


Investigator (Principal / other)

Granted by Institute/Company



as part of a consortium

the IZMEL program of the Israel Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Tissue characterization and tissue viability.

October 1999


Yael Research Fund

Differentiation Between Malignant and Benign Tissues In Vivo Using DWMRS

September 2000


Israel Cancer Research Fund

Noninvasive Monitoring of Cancer and Therapy with Diffusion Weighted MR Methods

October 2001

PI with Prof. Cohen

Israel Science Foundation

Tissue Characterization and Early Detection of Response to Therapy in Cancer Tumors Using Diffusion Weighted MRI


PI with Prof. Cohen and Dr. Orenstein

Adams brain research center, Tel-Aviv Univ.

Tissue Characterization and Early Detection of Response to Therapy in Brain Tumors Using Diffusion Weighted MRI


PI with Prof. Ram

Israel Cancer Association

Convection-enhanced Taxol delivery in brain tumor patients, monitored by diffusion-weighted MR


PI with Dr. Nissim and Prof. Hadani

Internal grant, Tel-Aviv Univ.

The protective effect of T cell mediated immunization on the extent of ischemic brain damage in a rat model, monitored by diffusion-weighted imaging (DWMRI)


PI with Dr. Pfeffer, Dr. Orenstein and Prof.Ram

Internal grant, Tel-Aviv Univ.,

Convection-Enhanced Taxol Delivery in Brain Tumor Patients, Monitored By Diffusion-Weighted MRI


PI with Dr. Pfeffer

Israel Cancer Association

Pre-treatment Prediction of Brain Tumors Response to Radiation Therapy Using High b Value Diffusion-Weighted MRI


PI with Prof. Ram

Adams Center – Tel-Aviv University

Convection-Enhanced Taxol Delivery: Increased Efficacy, Decreased Toxicity,



Israeli Medical Corps

DWMRI for the assessment of brain damage cause by Paraoxone poisoning and the efficacy of the conventional antidotal treatment


PI with Prof. Ram

EZVONOT - Israeli Ministry of health

 Convection-Enhanced Taxol Delivery: Increased Efficacy, Decreased Toxicity


PI with Dr. Spiegelmann

Israeli Ministry of health

Pre-Treatment and Early Post-Treatment Prediction of Brain Tumors Response to Therapy Using Low and High b Value Diffusion-Weighted MRI



Israeli Medical Corps

Using DMRI to assess brain damage caused by exposure to the organophosphate paraoxone



Goldhirsh Fund

Convection-Enhanced Delivery of High Viscosity Nano-Particles



Israeli Medical Corps

Using DMRI to assess the efficacy of scopolamine in brain damage caused by exposure to the organophosphate paraoxone, on long-term follow-up



Israeli Medical Corps

Using DWMRI to assess the efficacy of the novel prodrug "Gabctyzine" in brain damage caused by exposure to the organophsphate Paraoxone



PI together with Prof Shai Israeli and Bioline Ltd

Chief Scientist - NOFAR

siRNA against STIL for the treatment of glioma by convection-enhanced drug delivery



Tel-Aviv University

The effect of inusate temperature on convection-enhanced drug delivery and BBB in normal rat brain



Israel Cancer Association

The effect of infusate temperature on convection-enhanced drug delivery in normal rat brain


PI with Dr. Volovitz (Tel-Aviv Medical Center) and Dr. Shamir (Veterinarian Hospital, Beit Dagan)

Israel Cancer Association

Development and use of a spontaneous model for brain tumors in dogs to model the effect of the 'Split immunity' method to immunologically treat brain tumors


PI with Prof Yarden


Enhanced BBB penetration of high/low molecular weight therapeutic agents, following intratumoral delivery of a peptide derived from HIV-1 Tat protein: A combined approach for the treatment of brain tumors


PI with Dr Leor Zach

Chief Scientist - KAMIN

MRI-based vessel function maps for differentiating tumor from treatment effects in patients with brain tumors


PI with Prof Tanne

Sheba internal grant

The application of delayed contrast extravasation CT for determining BBB abnormalities in cerebrovascular disease


PI with Dr. Sagi HarNof

Brain Stimulation Consortium

The application of FUS for non-invasive neuromodulation


with Prof Gershon Golomb (as subcontractor since we have an active Kamin)

Chief Scientist - KAMIN

Treatment of brain malignant neoplasms by convection-enhanced delivery of liposomal chemotherapy


PI together with Dr. Sagi HarNof

Brain Stimulation Consortium

The application of FUS for non-invasive neuromodulation


PI with Dr Itzik Cooper

Sheba internal grant.

Combined chemotherapy and local blood-brain barrier opening by CED of EA-HAS for the treatment of brain tumors



Brainlab AG

The application of delayed contrast MRI for differentiating tumor from treatment effects in brain tumor patients


PI together with Dr. Sagi HarNof

Brain Stimulation Consortium

The application of FUS for non-invasive neuromodulation


PI with Dr Itzik Cooper and Dr Leor Zach


point source electroporation for the treatment of brain tumors : mechanism and physiological effects



TAU internal grant

Application of machine learning algorithms for prediction of GBM tumor growth using advanced MRI techniques



Brain Stimulation Consortium

The application of FUS for non-invasive neuromodulation


PI with Dr Itzik Cooper

Chief Scientist - KAMIN

Novel BBB-disrupting platform with chemoimmunotherapy against glioma


Co-PI with Drs Cooper, Shahar, Fleminger and Lampl

Ministry of science, technology and space

Blood-Brain Barrier Function in TiO2 Nano-Particles-Induced Neurological deficits: Basic and Clinical Study


PI with Dr Jair Bar


Application of delayed contrast CT for differentiating tumor/non-tumor tissues in patients with lung cancer


PI with Dr Itzik Cooper

Israel Science Foundation

Impact of Fragmented Electric Fields on the Neurovascular Unit: Mechanisms of Action and Physiological Effects


PI with Prof Miri Sklair

Israel Science Foundation

Development and application of advanced analysis platform for MRI-based blood vessel characterization in tumor/benign breast tissues for personalized patient management


PI with Dr Shirley Sharabi

Sheba Medical Center internal grant

Point source electroporation for the treatment of brain tumors


1989, Faculty of Exact Sciences excellence award

1992, Faculty of Exact Sciences excellence award

1995, Faculty of Exact Sciences excellence award

1997, Faculty of Exact Sciences excellence award

1999, Excellent poster presentation award at the research day of Sheba Medical Center, Israel: “Diffusion weighted proton MRS; Applications to cancer cell metabolism and oncologic pharmacology”, Y. Mardor, O. Kaplan, M. Sterin, J. Ruiz-Cabello, E. Ash, I. Ringel and J.S. Cohen.

1999, Excellent poster presentation award at the Annual meeting of the Israel society for physiology and pharmacology: “Diffusion weighted proton MRS; Applications to cancer cell metabolism and oncologic pharmacology”, Y. Mardor, O. Kaplan, M. Sterin, J. Ruiz-Cabello, E. Ash, I. Ringel and J.S. Cohen.

1999, Excellent poster presentation award at the sixth international congress on hormones and cancer: “Diffusion weighted proton MRS; Applications to cancer cell metabolism and oncologic pharmacology”, Y. Mardor, O. Kaplan, M. Sterin, J. Ruiz-Cabello, E. Ash, I. Ringel and J.S. Cohen.

2001, Excellent oral presentation at the research day of Sheba Medical Center, Israel: “Early Detection of Response to Radiation Therapy in Patients with Brain Malignancies Using Diffusion Weighted MRI”, Mardor Y, Raphael Pfeffer, Roberto Spiegelmann, Yiftach  Roth , Stephan E Maier, Uzi Nisim, Raanan Berger, Ami Glicksman, Arie Orenstein, Jack S Cohen & Thomas Tichler

2002, Excellent poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Israel: “Early Detection of Response of Brain Malignancies to Radiation Therapy Using Diffusion Weighted MRI”, Mardor Y, Raphael Pfeffer, Roberto Spiegelmann, Yiftach Roth, Stephan E Maier, Ouzi Nissim, Raanan Berger, Ami Glicksman, Arie Orenstein, Jack S Cohen and Thomas Tichler

2007, Excellent resident oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Israel: Pre-treatment prediction of response to radiation therapy using complexity analysis of T2 MRI images
Lior Zach, Aharon Ocherashvilli, Dianne Daniels, Yiftach Roth, Raphael Pfeffer, Roberto Spiegelmann, Doron Dinstein, Goren Gordon and Mardor Y

2008, Excellent poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Neuro Oncology (EANO), Spain: Convection-enhanced delivery of IL4 pseudomonas exotoxin (PRX321): Increased distribution and MR monitoring

 Mardor Y, David Last, Nina Merchant, Simon Denmead, Dvora Nass, Dianne Daniels and Zvi Ram

2010, One of the "50 influencing women 2010" of the Lady Globes Journal

2011, Young investigator award at the Global Academic Programs Conference (at MDACC): MRI for depiction of subtle BBB opening in GBM patients, Leor Zach, David Guez, David Last, Dianne Daniels, David Tanne, Chen Hoffman and Mardor Y

2014, Best abstract award at the annual meeting of the Israeli Society of Cancer Research (ISCR), Delayed contrast mri – a novel tool for decision making in neuro-oncology ISCR Leor Zach, David Guez, David Last, Dianne Daniels, Yuval Grober, Ouzi Nissim, Chen Hoffmann, Dvora Nass, Alisa Talianski, Roberto Spiegelmann, Galia Tsarfay, Sharona Salomon, Moshe Hadani, Andrew Kanner, Debora Blumenthal, Felix Bukstein, Michal Yalon, Jacob Zauberman, Jonathan Roth, Yigal Shoshan, Evgeniya Fridman, Marc Wygoda, Dror Limon, Tzahala Tzuk, Zvi R Cohen ,Mardor Y

2015, Oral presentation abstract selected as best of ASTRO at the Americal Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) meeting. Delayed contrast MRI for differentiating brain tumors from treatment-effects in conventional and combined treatments. Mardor Y, Dianne Daniels, David Guez, David Last, Yuval Grober, Ouzi Nissim, Dvora Nass, Chen Hoffmann, Galia Tsarfaty, Alisa Talianski, Roberto Spiegelmann, Sharona Salomon, Andrew Kanner, Debora T Blumenthal, Felix Bukstein, Yigal Shoshan, Marc Wygoda, Dror Limon, Zvi R Cohen, Leor Zach.

2016, paper selected to be featured in the AJNR podcast. Early Biomarkers from Conventional and Delayed-Contrast MRI to Predict the Response to Bevacizumab in Recurrent High-Grade. Gliomas. Dianne Daniels, David Guez, David Last, Chen Hoffmann, Dvora Nass, Alisa Talianski, Galia Tsarfaty, Sharona Salomon, Andrew A Kanner, Deborah T Blumenthal, Felix Bokstein, Sagi Harnof, Daniel Yekutieli, Shani Zamir, Zvi R Cohen, Leor Zach, Mardor Y

2017, paper Selected for AJNR News Digest. Early Biomarkers from Conventional and Delayed-Contrast MRI to Predict the Response to Bevacizumab in Recurrent High-Grade. Gliomas. Dianne Daniels, David Guez, David Last, Chen Hoffmann, Dvora Nass, Alisa Talianski, Galia Tsarfaty, Sharona Salomon, Andrew A Kanner, Deborah T Blumenthal, Felix Bokstein, Sagi Harnof, Daniel Yekutieli, Shani Zamir, Zvi R Cohen, Leor Zach, Mardor Y



  • Patent # 28314 – COMPOSITION FOR IMPROVING EFFICIENCY OF DRUG DELIVERY, Mardor Y and Ram Z, September 2004 (PCT September 2005, approved in Israel on 2011, approved in USA on Dec 2012)


  • Patent pending #39379 – ASSESSMENT OF BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER DISRUPTION, Israeli D, Mardor Y and Volk T, May 2007 (PCT May 2008, approved in Israel Oct 2013)


  • Patent #54509 – MAGNETIC RESONANCE MAPS FOR ANALYZING TISSUE, Zach L, Guez D, Last D, Daniels D and Mardor Y, Oct 2011 (patent approved in USA)


  • Patent #56456 – MAGNETIC RESONANCE MAPS FOR ANALYZING TISSUE, Zach L, Guez D, Last D, Daniels D and Mardor Y, April 2013 (patent approved in USA)


  • Patent pending - METHOD FOR CHANGING BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER PERMEABILITY, Mardor Y, Sharabi S, Daniels D, Guez D, Last D, Bresler Y, Cooper I, Dec 2017