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Yochai Wolf, PhD

יוחאי וולף





Phone Israel 03-5304591  International  +972-3-530-4591


Position:  Principle Investigator


Areas of Expertise:  cancer immunology, metabolism



 BSc in psychobiology, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem

 MSc in neuroscience, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem

 PhD in immunology, The Weizmann Institute of Science


Residencies and Further Training

Postdoctoral training, The Weizmann Institute of Science

Postdoctoral training, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA



Ella Institute for Immuno-oncology and melanoma


Research Interests: Cancer immunology

  • Exhausted T cell biology
  • Myeloid cell biology
  • Immunometabolism
  • Immune related adverse events



Here is a link to the list of publications of Dr. Yochai Wolf in PubMed.  PubMed is a database of scientific articles in the fields of medicine and life sciences.


Research Grants &Awards

  • Arthur L. Irving Family Foundation Cancer Immunology Symposium- attendee 
  • Feinberg Graduate School prize for outstanding achievements in postdoctoral research 
  • Human Frontiers Science Program post-doctoral fellowship 
  • Dean of faculty fellowship, Feinberg graduate school 
  • Winter School on Advanced Immunology, Singapore (travel award and best presentation award) 
  • Elected to participate in the FGS student delegation to the 9th International PhD Student Symposium
  • European Federation Of Immunological Societies (EFIS) travel grant