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Maya Dadiani, PhD

Maya Dadiani, PhD


Phone: 03-5307132

Position: Research head

Areas of Expertise: Breast Cancer, Genomics, computational biology, microbiome


Find me on Twitter: @MayaDadiani

Research Interests:

Breast Cancer, Cancer Genomics and Genetics, Tumor evolution, Resistance to treatment, Tumor and gut microbiome in cancer, Tumor microenvironment, MRI of breast cancer


2011, Postdoctoral training – Computational Biology – Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

2007, Ph.D., Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

2002, M.Sc., Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

1999, B.Sc – Biology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel    


2012, Lab of Breast Cancer Translational Research, Cancer Research Center, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel

Honors & Awards:

2018, ELROV fund - Sheba Innovation Center Award 

2018, The Nehemia Rubin Excellence in Biomedical Research – The TELEM Program, supported by the Aaron Gutwirth Fund

2016, EACR - European Association for Cancer Research - poster prize

2015, Cancer Biology Research Center, TAU – Outstanding scientific work 

2014, Israeli society for Cancer Research – ISCR best abstract award

2012, IMPAKT breast cancer conference – Brussels, Belgium, best abstract.

2008, Dean Fellowship, Department of computer science, Weizmann Institute of Science

2007, Suzan G. Komen for the Cure Award, AACR 

2003, 2004, 2006, Travel stipends, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 

2003, Avon Foundation Award, AACR 

2003, Katzir Scholarship for PhD travel stipend, Weizmann Institute of Science

2002, AstraZeneca Scholar-in-Training Award, AACR

Research grants:

2023-2024, Sheba-Bar-Ilan joint grans, Exploring tumor-bacteria interplay in breast cancer by spatial transcriptomics

2023, Sheba 2nd chance, Exploring the human breast cancer intra-tumor microbiome and its clinical significance

2021-2022, Israel Cancer Association, Exploring the clinical significance of the human breast cancer intra-tumor microbiome

2019-2021, Sheba Research fund, Mapping personalized resistance to chemotherapy in breast cancer to predict response

2019-2020, Israel Cancer Association, Subtype switch between primary and recurrent breast cancer: the underlying molecular mechanism and therapeutic implications

2018-2023, Sheba, The Nehemia Rubin Excellence in Biomedical Research – The TELEM Program, supported by the Aaron Gutwirth Fund

2018-2019, Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), The role of Intestinal Microbiota in Breast Cancer Progression and Therapy

2018, Sheba Innovation Center, award Estimation of Peritumoral Interstitial Fluid Flow Velocity

2016-2017, AusiMed, Deciphering the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Treatment Response & Impact on Outcome in BRCA Mutation Carriers with Triple Negative Breast Cancer

2015-2016, Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), Patterns of Molecular Evolution through the Course of Disease in Recurrent Breast Cancer

2014-2017, Ministry of Science Israel,    A proteogenomic analysis of the response to chemotherapy in breast cancer

2013-2014, Israel Cancer Association, Tumor Evolution Throughout the Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Timeline in Recurrent Breast Cancer: Profiling Expression Patterns and Genetic Signatures


Here is a link to the publications of Dr. Maya Dadiani