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Professor Michael Belkin, MD

Professor Michael Belkin, MD



Phone:  Israel 03-535-0388, International +972-3- 535-0388


Position: Deputy Chairperson, Institutional Review Board (Helsinki)



Areas of Expertise: Ophthalmology, Translational medicine



MD Medicine, Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

MA Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Residencies and Further Training:

Ophthalmology, Hadassah Hospital, Ein Kerem, Israel



Emeritus Professor, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Senior Consultant, Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), Singapore General Hospital, Singapore


Research Interests:

Translational medicine in ophthalmology



Here is a link to the publications of Professor Michael Belkin


Research Grants and Awards: 

2009-2010, Polak-Daniels Fund, Israel

2011-2012, Baharav Fund, Israel

2011-2013, Baharav Fund, Israel

2011-2012, MoH personal grant, Israel

2012-2013, Kamin, Israel

2012-2013, Tnufa (Fundus Camera), Israel

2012-2014, Kamin (Retinal angiography), Israel

2014-2015, Magneton (Fluorescein-less angiography), Israel

2014-2015, Immunobrain Ltd, Israel

2016-2019, European Community Horizon Program (2.5M Euro)