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Institute of Travel Medicine and Tropical Diseases

Operating times:

Pre-travel vaccinations available from Sunday to Thursday, 15:00-17:00. Don't forget to bring your vaccination record (childhood record if available) and a pen.

Post-travel treatments are available on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 9:00-13:00. Please bring form 17 from your HMO or make on-site payment if you don't have form 17.

You can easily schedule an appointment through phone, WhatsApp or our digital form: Appointment Scheduling Center. Please note, you must schedule your appointment in advance.


Address: Hospitalization Building, Outpatient Clinics, Entrance Floor, Wing 3 (Internal Reception)

Directions to Sheba

The Institute for Travel Medicine and Tropical Diseases is the leading facility in Israel specializing in diseases acquired in travel destinations, prevention strategies, and treatment modalities. Our medical team comprises qualified doctors in the field of travel medicine, with extensive experience including work in most travelers' destinations.
