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Prof. Eli Konen

Head of Diagnostic Imaging Department -   Prof. Eli Konen, M.D. , M.H.A.

Prof. Eli Konen


Professor of Radiology and Head of Radiology at School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

Secretary of the Israeli Radiological Association  

 Specialty: Cardiovascular Imaging


Accomplished his medical studies in School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University and received his M.D. in 1987. Following a military career in the IDF, he accomplished his residency in Diagnostic Imaging in Sheba Medical Center in 1999. Between the years 2000 and 2002 he has obtained two clinical fellowships in Thoracic Imaging and Cardiac MRI and CT in Toronto General Hospital, Canada. In 2003 Prof. Konen established the first cardiac MRI service in Israel which developed since then to be the largest multidisciplinary cardiac Imaging service in Israel. In 2005 he accomplished his 2nd degree in Health Administration, Recanati Business Faculty, Tel Aviv University.  Between 2005 and 2018 he served as the head of Diagnostic Imaging Department in Sheba Medical Center. Since 2018 he is the head of the Imaging Division which includes both the Diagnostic Imaging and the Nuclear Imaging Departments.

Between 2012 and 2016 Prof. Konen served as the head of Imaging department in Sacker School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. In the last six years Prof. Konen is involved in several projects regarding computerized medical image analysis: he established the first CILAB (Computational Imaging Laboratory) in Israel which is leading several original research projects as well as collaborating with other universities and the industry.


PubMed :


Clinical Interests: Cardiac MRI, Cardiac CT, MR angiography


Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology

Education: M.D., School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

Master of Health Administration, The Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration, Tel Aviv University

Residency: Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Sheba Medical Center

Fellowships: Fellow in Cardiovascular MRI, Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network (UHN), Toronto, Canada Fellow in Thoracic Imaging, Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network (UHN), Toronto, Canada


List of Published Articles


Tel: +972-3-530-2530

Fax: +972-3-535-7315

Fax to e-mail: +972-57-7977208

Mobile: +972-52-6666604


Address: Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, 52621, Israel


Department of Diagnostic Imaging Hebrew web site


Address - The Imaging Building (North of the Charles Clore HospitalizationTower)