Chronic Cough Clinic
Doctor in Charge: Dr. Ram Mor
Reception desk phone: 03-5302745
Appointment call center: 03-5305000
Fax: 03-5302849
Clinic Hours:
Sunday (once a month) and Tuesday, 09:00-13:00
Hospitalization Tower, Entrance Floor, Outpatient Clinics, Wing 9
Directions to Sheba
Parking information and payment exemption
Numerous factors may contribute to a cough that just won't go away, and that defies conventional treatments. These may range from lung-related conditions like asthma and emphysema, issues in the upper respiratory tract such as allergic rhinitis, or even the presence of a foreign object lodged in the bronchial tree for a sustained period. Often, a chronic cough may result from a combination of these issues.
In our clinic, we employ a range of diagnostic techniques to ascertain the underlying causes of coughing. These include advanced imaging technologies, stimulated sputum tests, and natural stimulation methods, such as capsaicin, which is derived from hot peppers.
Our clinic's staff includes specialists in pulmonary radiology, reflux specialists in gastroenterology and otolaryngologists.