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Cord Blood Bank

Director: Prof. Arnon Nagler

Cord Blood Donation Service Manager:
Noa Golomb

Phone: 03-5307759

Contact and answer 24/7: 03-5305222

Fax: 03-5308050


Laboratory Manager: Margarita Mayorov

Laboratory phone: 03-5305780

Fax: 03-5308050



Phone: 03-5305780

Fax: 03-5308050


Clinic hours:

Visits are available by appointment only. Please call during the following hours to schedule: 8:00-9:00, 11:00-15:00


Laboratory Wing, Floor 2, Room 5

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

Sheba’s cord blood bank is the leading, largest, and most established in its field in Israel. The bank is managed by Prof. Arnon Nagler, a world-renowned physician and scientist, and president of the Hemato-Oncology Center at Sheba. The banks’ management team, pioneers of the service in Israel, are internationally recognised for their leadership in both research and service, setting a global standard in the field.

The bank operates under some of the strictest standards in the world and is the only one in the country, and among the few globally, to be officially certified and recognized by three international regulatory bodies authorized to grant international accreditation and recognition to cord blood banks (the accreditation defines the standard operating procedures for the blood bank): FACT/NetCord; AABB; NMDP.

The bank is also the only one in Israel, and the second institution outside the United States, to receive international certification from the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), the world organization for bone marrow transplantation.

Additionally, the bank has earned accreditation from the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). It stands out as the only cord blood bank and the only blood bank in Israel to have an AABB accreditation certificate. Prof. Nagler is a signatory of the founding charter of the European network for cord blood banks - NetCord - and served on its board. He is also an inspector on behalf of the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT).

The Sheba Cord Blood Bank, certified and approved by FACT/NetCord, boasts over 15 international certifications, all of which require renewal every two to three years.

The bank is a member of the NetCord European cord blood bank network and the AABB American Blood Bank Association and is approved, certified, and licensed by the Ministry of Health.

Over the years, the bank has provided dozens of cord blood transplants for stem cell transplants in children and adults with cancerous diseases and genetic disorders in Israel, Europe, the USA, and worldwide - transplants that were successful and resulted in a cure.

Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality professional service, all under one roof at the Sheba Medical Center.
