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Diagnostic Neuro-Radiology Service

CT Main Office: +972-3-5302345

MR Main Office: +972-3-5302378


Head of the Department:

Telephone: +972-3-5302203

Fax: +972-3-5302220


The Neuroradiology unit in Sheba Tel Hashomer deals with a variety of imaging modalities ranging from plain radiographs to state-of-the-art techniques such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).



  • Two modern 64-slice CT scanners by Philips and GE

  • 2 advanced MR magnets (1.5 and 3 Tesla) by GE


Our services:

Which are mediated through the departments on our premises, include among others:

  • Urgent CT scans in patients with head and spinal trauma

  • Routine exams of the head to rule out acute intracranial events such as infarcts and hemorrhages

  • Detection and follow-up of brain tumors

  • Studies of the spinal column in search of osseous or intervertebral disc abnormalities as well as spinal cord involvement

  • Pediatric exams under general anesthesia and Fetal Brain MR imaging

  • Vascular studies (CT and MR angiograms)


Aside for the routine exams we also perform more advanced imaging studies which include:

MR Spectroscopy (MRS) is a diagnostic tool which enables us to measure the chemical elements in a certain portion of the brain

Functional MR is a physiological study of the brain pertaining to focal activity in response to brain function (motor, sensory). This exam is of great yield in eliciting the epileptogenic focus in epilepsy patients.

We also perform fluoroscopy-guided procedures such as myelography and cisternography.

Our department is greatly involved in research services for clinical trials assessing new therapies for diseases of the brain, and also provides stereotactic and neurosurgical preoperative planning.

Our interventional neuroradiology unit provides a wide range of intraluminal solutions. These include both diagnostic and therapeutic cerebral angiograms for purposes of treating vascular malformations and aneurysm coiling, thus avoiding unnecessary craniotomies. We also perform WADA testing in order to determine the dominant hemisphere prior to brain surgery.



We are proud to provide academic teaching and clinical rounds to mediccal students and residents of radiology as well as other subspecialties.
