Fibrotic and Autoimmune Lung Diseases Clinic
Doctors in Charge: Dr. Liran Levy, Dr. Michael (Mike) Segel
Phone: 03-5302339, 03-5302745
Fax: 03-5309242
Clinic Hours:
Sunday to Thursday, 08:00-15:00
Hospitalization Tower, Entrance Floor, Outpatient Clinics, Wing 9
At the Fibrotic and Autoimmune Lung Diseases Clinic, we treat patients with pulmonary fibrosis. Our expert team has extensive training and experience in the treatment of tuberculosis and lung transplantation. It includes pulmonologists and senior doctors from various fields, such as pathologists specializing in lungs, radiologists specializing in the chest, rheumatologists, and rehabilitation specialists. Our team is committed to diagnosing patients as quickly and accurately as possible to prevent deterioration in their condition and to improve their life expectancy and quality.
Our clinic works closely with the integrated rehabilitation hospital and, when needed, we refer patients for respiratory day hospitalisation. There, they benefit from a range of services including functional and nutritional status assessments, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and psychological therapy. Each patients receives a personalised treatment plan designed to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
The clinic is also involved in research to better diagnose and treat patients. Part of this includes CT lung scans to catch diseases early or to monitor its progression. Patients also receive blood tests to detect rare antibodies that may trigger autoimmune diseases leading to pulmonary fibrosis. We are also doing studies among fibrosis patients who might need a lung transplant.
Recently, our clinic staff launched a national professional forum for fibrotic diseases named Smiler, creating a platform for expert doctors nationwide to discuss pulmonary fibrosis cases. In addition, our team set up a group of pulmonologists from hospitals in Israel, who have an interest in pulmonary fibrosis, whose goal is to raise public and medical community awareness of the disease and to promote research about it.