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Gynecology Day Hospitalization

Person in charge: Dr. David Stockheim

Charge nurse: Etty Shipman

Clinic manager: Moran Kahlon


Phone: 03-5302090 (phone response hours are Sunday-Thursday, 7:00-14:00)

Fax: 03-5305846


Clinic hours:

Sunday-Thursday, 7:00-15:00 by appointment

Answering the phone until 14:00


Gynecology and Maternity Center, Entrance floor, Turn right behind the cafeteria

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

At the Surgical Gynecological Day Hospitalization, we perform a wide range of operations, in three main areas:

1.General gynecology and obstetrics

2. Gynecology Oncology

3. Fertility and IVF

General gynecology and obstetrics

  • Terminating a pregnancy - whether due to abnormalities or unwanted circumstances, occuring in either the early or later stages of pregnancy.
  • Committees for termination of pregnancy 
  • Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies for the treatment of polyps, fibroids and remnant placenta after delivery or termination of pregnancy.
  • Myomas (fibroids)
  • Endoscopic surgeries.
  • Gynecological laparoscopies for the treatment of endometriosis, cysts and ovarian findings, ectopic pregnancy, therapeutic suturing 
  • Gynecological plastic surgery - correction of birth defects, gender reassignment, scar correction, tightening procedures 
  • Cervical suture - for women with cervical insufficiency (cervix) at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.
  • Providing intravenous treatment with iron preparations to pregnant patients in the second and third trimesters who suffer from anemia (lack of red blood cells for various reasons) and iron deficiency.

Gynecology Oncology

  • Brachytherapy - patients receiving radiation in the cervical region undergo preparation with general or regional anesthesia.
  • Cervical conizations - treatment of precancerous lesions in the cervix (CIN).
  • Biopsies from the reproductive organs.
  • Removal of uterine scrapings and insertion of a therapeutic agent for the treatment of endometrial cancer.

Fertility and IVF

  • Classic treatments in the field of in vitro fertilization (IVF) - egg retrieval and fresh and frozen embryo transfer.
  • Reintroduction of embryos through laparoscopic surgery for cases of recurrent IVF failures.
  • Fertility preservation treatments - freezing ovarian sections, eggs and embryos for women suffering from malignant diseases before treatments such as therapy and radiation.
  • Male infertility - electrical stimulation for sperm production, sperm extraction from the testicle, and testicular biopsy to locate sperm cells (in collaboration with the male fertility unit team).
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopies and early fetal reduction (week 7-9 of pregnancy).