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Hysteroscopy Clinic

Director: Dr. David Stockheim


To book diagnostic hysteroscopy appointments, send a referral by fax or email

Phone: 03-5302090

Fax: 03-5305846


Clinic hours:

Sunday and Wednesday, 7:30-14:00


The Advanced Technology Center (ATC), Entrance Floor, Room 604

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

Hysteroscopy, a procedure involving the examination of the uterus, aims to assess the structure of the uterine cavity and address any existing issues within it.

During the procedure, we can diagnose and treat conditions like uterine polyps, fibroids, causes of irregular bleeding, postmenstrual bleeding, remnants of pregnancy after childbirth or abortion, uterine adhesions, causes of infertility, or repeated IVF failure. 

During the hysteroscopy, a slender optical device is gently inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterine cavity. This allows for a close look inside the uterine cavity and any needed treatments can be carried out without the need for anaesthesia.
