IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Unit A center of excellence
The subject of fertility is of concern to many couples at some point in their lives, and about 15% of them will encounter obstacles to getting pregnant due to infertility problems that originate in the male, the female, or both. Many couples who, in the past, would have been considered sterile, and were forced to accept the fact that they wouldn't be able to conceive, can, in fact, succeed today in giving birth and raising a family due to the enormous developments that have occurred in this field over the last few decades. Today, modern diagnostic methods and advanced fertility treatments, especially IVF, and its associated technologies such as intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), enables most couples to overcome their fertility problems and fulfill their dream.
The strong demand for fertility treatments in general, and IVF in particular, is constantly rising, especially due to the fact that many couples choose to defer having children until a later age. Israel is considered to be a leading fertility specialist in the world, due to the large part because of the emphasis that Jewish tradition places on the subject of fertility, generous funding by the state for IVF treatments, and because of its high level of expertise in this area. Approximately 3,000 treatments per one million residents are undertaken in the country per year, several times more than usual for most countries in the world.
Sheba Medical Center IVF Unit:
Ours is one of the leading IVF units in the country. The unit team offers unparalleled experience in all areas of reproductive medicine including the most advanced and effective treatments for infertility. As a part of the Sheba Medical Center, we bring to patients the superior resources and capabilities of one of the best teaching and research hospital in the country.
To ensure that both women and men can get the best services available, our unit is worksin close collaboration with the unit for male reproductive medicine. Through this unique collaboration, the resources of both of these leading units are available for the treatment of our patients.
Led by Prof. Raoul Orvieto, the unit offers a comprehensive approach to every aspect of patient care. In addition to bringing together all of the services, treatment options and laboratory capabilities patients may need, tour IVF unit offers special support programs, specifically designated to make treatment easier and more comfortable every step of the way.
The dedicated team of medical professionals comprises 12 physicians, nurses, embryologist, ultrasound technicians, psychologist and secretary assistants. These staff members are among the most experienced and accomplished medical professionals in their fields, including specialist in reproductive endocrinology, reproductive urology, embryology, andrology, immunology, gynecology, genetics and related areas.
The unit performes approximately a thousand cycles of IVF per year, with a good success rate in all age groups, including many difficult cases that were labeled untreatable by other centers.
Many chapters in the history of infertility treatment are being written by our unit. Since the first IVF baby born in Israel in our center more than 20 years ago, the program has quickly grown to be one of the largest and best center in the country. Throughout its existence, the staff of our center has pioneered new innovations such as the first IVF baby born in the world after transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue in a patient with ovarian failure after chemotherapy, and recently the first in vitro maturation (IVM) pregnancy in the country. The staff of our center has published hundreds of articles and book chapters on topics in reproductive medicine, and our physicians are regularly invited to discuss their research at national and international meetings.
The desire to have a baby is one of life's most important and exciting decisions. The IVF unit of the Sheba Medical Center helps make that dream a reality for hundreds of couples every year.
Current Treatments and Counseling:
All of the most advanced treatment options to help couples have a baby are available at Sheba IVF unit. The various treatments include:
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): a basic technique, in which oocytes have been aspirated from the woman body, usually after hormonal treatment, to undergo fertilization with the husband's sperm in the laboratory. The new embryo is transferred back to the womans uterus in order to achieve pregnancy.
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): a technique in which an isolated sperm is chosen and injected directly into the egg in order to achieve fertilization. This technique made a revolution in the treatment of male infertility, and is efficient for low sperm count, or difficulty in regular fertilization.
Embryos cryopreservation: a technique that is used to preserve embryos which are not immediately transplanted. This technique enables the embryos to be saved for future implantation and pregnancy.
Oocyte cryopreservation: a new technique which enable us to freeze eggs to preserve fertility in cancer patients before they undergo chemotherapy, or single women who wish to defer motherhood.
Ovarian tissue freezing: a revolutionary procedure that can help woman maintain the viability of ovarian function, mainly in cases of cancer patients before chemotherapy.
Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD): a new technique enabling us to diagnose genetic disease in the embryonal stage. Using biopsy of a single cell of the developing embryo, combined with advanced molecular biology techniques, we can identify embryos that carry the gene for certain inherited diseases. This capability reduces the risk that these diseases will be passed on to children. This technique enables us also to diagnose male and female embryo, when relevant in cases of sex-related diseases.
Male factor treatments: our male reproductive unit includes comprehensive services for the treatment of male infertility, including surgical repair of varicoceles, electro ejaculation, and epididymal and testicular sperm retrieval for use with IVF and ICSI.