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Laboratory for Respiratory Physiology

Doctors in charge: Prof. Amir Onn, Dr. Michael (Mike) Segal


Phone: 03-5302745

Fax: 03-5302696


Clinic Hours:

Sunday to Thursday, 8:00-14:00


Hospitalization Tower, Entrance Floor, Outpatient Clinics, Wing 9, Institute for Pulmonology Diseases

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

In the Laboratory for Respiratory Physiology, which is part of the Institute of Lung Diseases, we conduct tests for patients affected by respiratory conditions, including asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, as well as those with respiratory diseases originating from neurological or oncological causes. These assessments aim to determine the lung's maximum air capacity, the necessity of oxygen therapy, or to evaluate their respiratory function pre-surgery.
