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Diabetes 360⁰ for 60+: The Multidisciplinary Program for Healthy Living with Diabetes

Doctor in Charge: Prof Tali Cukierman-Yaffe


Phone: 03-5307493 (press 8 for the switchboard)


Clinic Hours:

Assessment days take place on Sundays, 8:00-15:00


Szmuk Building (Endocrinology and Diabetes Building), Floor 2

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

The Multidisciplinary Program for Healthy Living with Diabetes provides tailored and comprehensive care for individuals aged 60 and over, catering to their physical, mental, and cognitive well-being. This ground-breaking initiative brings together a team of seasoned specialists dedicated to managing diabetes for this age group. Our aim is to enrich the lives of individuals with diabetes and their loved ones by supporting their health, physical strength, functional and cognitive skills, memory, and learning.
Studies indicate that diabetes accelerates the ageing process. Individuals with diabetes are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and cognitive impairment affecting learning, memory, cognitive abilities. 
Additionally, there's a higher chance of reduced muscle mass, limitations, reliance, and frailty. The good news is that we can lower these risks and shape the course of the condition. 
The key to prevention and effective treatment is through assessment, regular check-ups, and creating a tailored, multidisciplinary treatment strategy.
The challenges of aging with diabetes - watch a webinar with Prof. Tali Zuckerman-Yaffe.
Diabetes 360⁰ for 60+ year-olds, a comprehensive program for healthy living with diabetes, includes continuous monitoring across all aspects of wellbeing. The program breaks new ground, featuring a team of experts with rich experience in treating diabetes in adults, and consists of three stages:

Stage 1 - Assessment Day

A concentrated day of medical, cognitive, physical, and nutritional assessment by a multidisciplinary team specializing in diabetes. The consolidation of tests allows them to be conducted in one day and at one location, saving the hassle of scheduling multiple appointments and moving from place to place.
Medical Assessment: A thorough check-up by a diabetes specialist. The doctor assesses the medical condition and the appropriateness of drug treatment.
Cognitive and Emotional Assessment: A neuropsychologist conducts a detailed cognitive evaluation, giving an overview of cognitive functions - concentration, memory, executive functions, learning, and problem-solving. Additionally, an assessment of the patient's mental state and quality of life is carried out.
Functional Assessment: A physiotherapist examines and assesses various aspects of physical function in older adults - muscle strength, endurance, and balance.
Nutritional Assessment: A dietitian reviews eating habits and adjusts them to meet treatment requirements.

Stage 2 – Developing a Personalised Diabetes Care Plan

After the assessment day, our multidisciplinary team takes a holistic look at the test results and creates a tailored care plan for you. This plan includes treatment suggestions designed to meet your unique needs - medical, cognitive, emotional, physical, and nutritional - along with practical recommendations to easily fit into your daily routine. If needed, we'll arrange further tests and consultations with specialist healthcare providers.
If you're a suitable candidate, we'll extend an invitation to join our Case Management Programme.
Costs for Stages 1 and 2: Submit Form 17 for day hospitalisation coverage or make a payment of 1,200 NIS.

Stage 3 - Putting the Diabetes Treatment Program into Action

Implementing the treatment program requires careful monitoring by a dedicated disease case manager who will provide guidance, maintain a consistent relationship, help with appointment scheduling, coordinate with professionals, track different metrics, and serve as the go-to person for any queries or challenges throughout the treatment. 

Need further information?

Phone: 03-5307493 (select 8 for calls)
