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Multiple Myeloma and Amyloidosis Unit

Director: Dr. Hila Magen


Phone: 03-5307519

Email (also for scheduling appointments):

Fax: 03-5307748

Clinic Hours:

Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday: 7:00-15:30

Monday and Wednesday: 7:30-15:00


Cancer Center, Myeloma Cluster, Floor 3

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

In the largest center for myeloma patients in Israel, approximately 600 individuals undergo treatment at various stages of their disease. We provide precise diagnostic tests, including blood count, biochemistry, monoclonal protein in blood and urine, light chains in blood, genetic and cytogenetic profiling (including FISH and BioView), as well as imaging tests such as MRI, PET-CT, and mapping.

We use innovative techniques such as NGS (next-generation sequencing) to examine residual disease. This procedure is exclusively performed at Sheba in the molecular hematology laboratory, headed by Prof. Gideon Rechavi and Prof. Ninette Amariglio. 

Advanced molecular diagnostic methods have been developed for patients with amyloidosis, performed exclusively at Sheba Medical Center (in Prof. Avi Livneh's laboratory), along with innovative imaging techniques to assess cardiac involvement. The center has close, daily communication with renowned experts, including Prof. Eli Muchtar from the Mayo Clinic in the United States, one of the leading centers worldwide in the field of amyloidosis.

Patients are treated with the latest medications, including combinations of dexamethasone, thalidomide, Velcade® (Bortezomib), Revlimid® (lenalidomide) and pomalidomide. Immunological therapies involve novel CD30-targeting agents, such as brentuximab vedotin, as well as CAR T-Cell therapies. In the context of clinical trials, patients receive the most advanced medications and combinations. Patients in need undergo autologous bone marrow transplantation in the transplant unit.

We work in close consultation with physicians in various fields, such as orthopedists, nephrologists, cardiologists, and pain doctors, to provide comprehensive care. 

Dr. Hila Magen, the director of the unit, is among Israel's most experienced myeloma specialists. She specialized at the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center, working closely with the renowned myeloma expert, Dr. Bart Barlogie. With a vast background in treating thousands of myeloma patients, Dr. Magen was honored with the esteemed Danieli Award - Medicine with Heart - in 2017.
