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Oncology Emergency Room

Doctor in charge: Dr. Gal Ben-Haim

Charge nurse: Yaffa Ben David


Phone: 03-5304861

Fax: 03-5304860


Clinic hours:

Sunday to Thursday, 8:00-18:00


Cancer Center, 1st floor

If you're using public transport, it's best to alight at the station near the Mouth and Jaw Institute. If you're arriving by car, there's a parking lot right next to the cancer center.

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

Cancer patients sometimes encounter unexpected complications and side effects, which require an urgent response. The Emergency Oncology Department - is dedicated to providing urgent assistance exclusively to patients of the Sheba Oncology Institute. 

When should you reach out to the emergency oncology department?

In cases where a medical problem arises from the oncological disease or its treatment, and waiting for an appointment with the treating oncologist or a visi to the family doctor, is not feasible. Here are some examples:

  • Fever
  • Flu symptoms like cough or chills
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Drainage of stomach or lungs

Please keep in mind: If you have a life-threatening medical issue, it is critical to go quickly to the nearest general emergency room. For urgent oncology concerns, consulting services from doctors like orthopedists, surgeons, or neurologists are not available. If you require immediate advice, it is advisable to visit the general emergency room directly.

What is the admission process?

After registering at the admissions office, you'll need to wait for a nurse's examination. The waiting time will depend on the number of other patients who have arrived in the department. The nurse will inquire about the reason for your visit to the medical center.

In some cases, it will be necessary to transfer to the emergency medicine department (general emergency). If the referral is suitable for the treatment capabilities of the department, we will perform blood tests or x-rays on the spot, as needed. After that, wait for a call to see a doctor. If hospitalization is needed, our staff will help you arrange it in one of our hospital's departments. Please note that there might be a short wait before the transfer to the hospital.

Kindly take note: the emergency oncology unit area tends to get quite busy. Hence, we kindly request that only one attendant accompanies each patient when entering the interior space. Additional companions are welcome to wait in the waiting area at the Recreation Center. We kindly ask that children under 12 years old not be brought along. 

About the waiting time

The order in which we examine patients depends on medical urgency, so it's not always first-come, first-served. As a result, it's also difficult to estimate the length of your stay in the emergency oncology department. Patient safety is our utmost priority, and we're committed to providing safe, efficient, and dedicated care.

Important information about tests

  • Unfortunately, it is not possible to undergo any schedulimaging tests (CT, PET CT, MRI, etc.) on the day of your arrival in the Emergency Oncology Department. If you've already arrived, the imaging test scheduled for that date will be cancelled. In case there's a delay in the referral to the Emergency Oncology Department, it's worth considering going for the scheduled examination and reaching out to the Emergency Oncology Department the following day. 
  • Blood tests cannot be performed prior to scheduled treatment the following day and you can only see the doctor on duty only. If your condition requires a consultation with the medical team the day before treatment, you must be admitted to the Emergency Oncology Department as usual, and the team will decide on the necessary tests according to your condition.
  • Unfortunately, the Emergency Oncology Department is unable to provide medication for home use. However, if additional treatment requires medication, the doctor will issue you a suitable prescription.

Service for radiation patients

Patients undergoing radiation therapy will receive a prompt response service at the radiation institute. The service is available from Sunday to Thursday, 8:00-18:00.
