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Preeclampsia Prediction Clinic

Director: Prof. Yoav Yinon

Charge Nurse: Iris Hurwitz


Phone: 03-5308116/7491

Fax: 03-5303168


Clinic Hours:

Tuesday, 10:00-15:00


Gynecology and Maternity Center, Floor 2

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

The first trimester clinic is dedicated to predicting and preventing preeclampsia, a condition that affects 3%-5% of pregnancies and poses risks to both mother and baby. Utilising a pioneering approach exclusive to Sheba, our clinic employs sophisticated software designed to calculate the risk of developing preeclampsia. This innovative method successfully identifies 80% of the women at risk, markedly improving upon traditional methods that rely solely on demographic and medical data and fail to prevent about half of preeclampsia cases.

Beyond examining medical and demographic information, the patient is subject to tests whose outcomes are inputted into the software and carefully evaluated to determine their risk level.

This involves a blood test for the PLGF protein, which expands the maternal blood vessels. A low level of PLGF in the first trimester is predictive of developing preeclampsia later in pregnancy. Additionally, it includes a blood flow test in the uterine arteries which can reveal increased resistance - and indication of impaired placental function and heightened risk of preeclampsia. And a blood pressure test.

Patients who are identified as having a high risk of preeclampsia are treated with aspirin (it has been found that it significantly reduces the risk of developing the disease). In addition to these tests, patients also undergo nuchal translucency and a first-trimester biochemical screening test to assess the risk of the fetus having Down syndrome. All the tests at the clinic are performed by Prof. Yoav Yinon.

Our clinic welcomes any expectant mum who wishes to find out if she's at a higher risk of preeclampsia. Visits should take place between week 11 and week 13+6 of pregnancy. You can easily schedule your appointment over the phone, and no referral is needed. The total cost for the visit and all tests is 1,200 NIS.
