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Preventive Oncology Clinic

Doctor in Charge: Dr. Iris Kventsel

Coordinator: Dr. Zehavit Frenkel


Phone: 03-5302996/2631

Fax: 03-5303040


Clinic Hours:

Sunday to Thursday, 8:00-15:00 



Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Floor 1

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

Up to 30% of cancer cases in children and 5-10% of cancer cases in adults develop genetic and hereditary factors. Close medical monitoring of patients at genetic-hereditary risk for cancer, especially from a young age, enables early detection and easier treatment (if required), thereby increasing the chances of recovery. 
For the purpose of such follow-up, a preventive oncology clinic was established, which forms part of the hemato-oncology and pediatric bone marrow transplantation system, the oncology system, and the genetic institute. Within this framework, we monitor children and adults who have been identified through genetic testing as having an elevated risk of developing cancer.
Our clinic boasts a diverse team of professionals, including specialists in both pediatric and adult oncology, genetics, and diagnostic imaging for hereditary cancer predisposition. We also have gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, dermatologists, and other experts available as needed.  Since preventive oncology is a new and emerging field, our team is in constant communication with similar groups and researchers both in Israel and abroad.
Throughout the journey, we provide our patients with medical and administrative support (such as coordinating follow-up tests, with an emphasis on organizing them for the entire family together, prompt interpretation of imaging tests, and interfacing with the health fund), thus reducing their risk of illness.
