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Sperm Bank

Director of the sperm bank: Dr. Micha Baum

Director of Male Fertility: Prof. Gil Raviv


Phone: 03-5302804
(Sunday to Thursday, 8:00-15:00) 

Fax: 03-5309818


Operating times:

Sperm test and sperm freezing: Sundays and Thursdays at 8:00-10:30 and Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:00-11:30


Gynecology and Maternity building, 1st floor

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

The Sperm Bank at Sheba Medical Center, founded in 1995, is not only the oldest in Israel but also a leading sperm bank in Israel and around the world.  The bank has a wide selection of anonymous donors, who have undergone a thorough screening process to ensure high-quality sperm. We follow strict criteria to select only the best candidates as donors, with about a third of applicants being accepted. Each candidate undergoes tests for sperm quality, a physical examination, a medical history check, and screenings for viral and genetic diseases. Additionally, each candidate undergoes an interview with the head of the unit to ensure the best possible match.

The sperm bank is a recognized public institution supervised by the Ministry of Health.

What does the sperm bank laboratory do?
The laboratory happily accepts patients from across the country for sperm tests and sperm freezing. This service is provided based on referrals from attending physicians, hospital clinics, oncology institutes, and private settings. Additionally, the laboratory assists with enhancing frozen or donated sperm. The evaluation of sperm quality includes examination of factors such as concentration, motility, and morphology (normal shape). The sample also undergoes visual inspection to evaluate characteristics such as colour, viscosity, and acidity (pH).

Are you planning to undergo sperm freezing or sperm testing? 
We are eager to enhance the quality of our service. Thank you for taking a quick satisfaction survey
