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Survivors Follow-up Clinic

Doctors: in Charge: Prof Dalit Modan, Dr Dalia Waldman

Phone: 03-5302996
Fax: 0-35303040


Clinic Hours:
Sunday to Thursday, 08:00-15:00

Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Floor 1
Directions to Sheba
Information about parking and payment exemption 

In recent decades, the survival rate for childhood cancer has risen significantly, now reaching approximately 80%. However, research indicates intensive treatments, like radiation, can cause damage to the body's systems.
This means many of the children who recover may face health challenges in adulthood, some life-threatening, even many years after treatment. This underscores the necessity for expert and professional ongoing care for cancer survivors, potentially throughout their lives, to quickly identify and treat any physical disorders.
In our survivor follow-up clinic, our oncologists provide follow-up care for children and teenagers who have beaten cancer. Our team works closely with experts in various fields, including endocrinologists, cardiologists, nephrologists, lung specialists, ophthalmologists and gynecologists. If necessary, we refer patients to dedicated clinics, such as the Sports Clinic, Fertility Clinic, Rehabilitation, and for psycho-didactic diagnoses.
