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Department of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery

Director: Prof. David Goitein

Coordinating Nurse: Shlomit Dolinger


Phone: 03-5308493

Phone for appointment scheduling: 03-5305000

Phone for coordinating nurse: 03-5305428 (on Thursdays, 8:00-15:00)

Fax: 03-5308491


Operating hours:

Sunday to Thursday, 8:00-15:00

Please bring a referral letter from your treating physician and form 17 (commitment form) from your health fund to the initial meeting with the surgeon and dietitian.


Diabetes Building (The Szmuk Building), Entrance Floor

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

The Department of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery offers a holisitc approach to addressing the medical, nutritional, and psychological aspects of obesity. Our team of highly skilled professionals works closely with each patient to create a personalized treatment plan that matches their goals and needs. 

Why address obesity?

Obesity, a modern-day epidemic, was already acknowledged as a health concern by Hippocrates 2,500 years ago. Today’s obesity epidemic can be traced back to various environmental factors that have impacted our lifestyles, including decreased physical activity and the prevalence of high-calorie food choices. Excessive weight and obesity have a profound impact on quality of life and greatly increase susceptibility to a range of diseases.

The risks of obesity

Severe or morbid obesity presents a serious risk to your health, doubling the likelihood of premature mortality and decreasing life expectancy by an average of 10 years.

Obesity directly and indirectly leads to the development of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, respiratory problems, joint issues, and cardiovascular diseases. It also negatively impacts quality of life, employment opportunities, and mobility. It can also contribute to an individual feeling physically disabled. 

This situation has a profound mental component, and it's worth noting that a significant number of obese individuals also suffer from depression. To assess the degree of obesity, we use a quantitative index called BMI (Body Mass Index). This is calculated by dividing weight by height squared.

How is obesity treated?

When it comes to treating obesity, the key factor is making lifestyle changes. This centers around keeping a healthy and balanced diet, paying attention to the nutrients and calories, and building regular physical activity into your daily routine. 

While there are medications that can help suppress your appetite, none of them have been proven to be a reliable, long-term solution for treating obesity. These products may initially result in a temporary weight loss of a few kilograms, but it almost inevitable that the weight will be regained, regardless of whether the medication is continued or discontinued.

Surgical treatment, a field known as bariatrics, offers an avenue for treating severe obesity.

Benefits of undergoing bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgeries have been shown to be an effective solution for obesity, and they can help heal diseases related to obesity, like diabetes, hypertension, and blood lipids. On top of that, they lower the risk of death from heart disease by 50% and reduce the chances of cancer by 78%.

The importance of follow-up after bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery alone cannot achieve all the changes you desire. That's why our Obesity center provides additional services to support you throughout the process - before, during, and after the surgery. We offer comprehensive endocrine support for individuals with diabetes and other endocrine disorders, a nutritional service to help you cultivate healthy eating habits, and a psychological service to facilitate long-lasting behavioral changes related to food.

Types of bariatric surgeries

There are various types of bariatric surgeries available for patients, based on their individual data:

  • Gastric bypass with adjustable ring
  • Gastric sleeve
  • Gastric band