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The Day Surgery Center

Director: Prof. Danny Rosin

Charge Nurse: Judith Gerson


Phone: 03-5302555/6/7

Fax: 03-5302061



Day Surgery Hospitalization building, next to the Heart Institute

There a parking lot available for patients right across from the building

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

At the Day Surgery Centre, our goal is to provide top-notch surgical and anesthesia services, allowing patients to recover in the comfortable and familiar environment of their own homes. The Centre performs surgeries under different types of anesthesia - local, regional, and general - in operating rooms equipped with advanced state-of-the-art equipment.

Patients are referred to the Central Medical Center clinic based on medical considerations. If you're a candidate for surgery requiring general anesthesia, we'll invite you to attend a guidance and evaluation session with an anesthesiologist a few days before your scheduled surgical procedure.

Following surgery, patients are kept in the recovery room until they receive appropriate guidance before being discharged home, accompanied by a family member. Depending on certain medical considerations, some patients may be admitted to the surgical department.
