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Department of Neurology

Director: Prof. Joab Chapman

Charge Nurse: Gajao Arte


Phone: 03-5302441

Charge Nurse phone: 03-5302635

Fax: 03-5302139

Telephone in the stroke unit: 03-5305365

Stroke intensive care: 03-5309786

Visiting hours:



Hospitalization Tower, Floor 1, Eastern Wing

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

The department admits patients for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of neurological diseases. Common medical conditions include headaches, dizziness, cerebrovascular events (stroke), memory disorders, Parkinson's disease, gait disorders, meningitis, encephalitis, epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, degenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis, tumors, muscle and nerve-related diseases, among others. 

In urgent cases, hospitalization is arranged via the emergency department, while in other instances, patients are referred through the outpatient clinic or by external physicians. During hospitalization, a range of diagnostic tests are performed including MRI, CT, angiography, EEG, and Doppler examination of blood vessels, as well as laboratory tests on spinal fluid and blood. Consultations with specialized professionals at the hospital are also organized when deemed necessary.
