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Cardiology department

Director: Prof. Roy Beigel

Director of Heart Transplant Service: 
Prof. Yael Peled

Charge nurse: Yifat Aharon

Nurse in charge of patient education:
Sarah Ben-Zvi M.Ed, R.N


Phones: 03-5302642, 03-5302644

Fax: 03-5308101



The Heart Center building, Ground floor

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

The cardiology department specializes in providing medical and nursing care to high-risk heart patients who require 24-hour supervision, treatment, and monitoring. The department's patients suffer from a variety of heart diseases, including acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, valvular heart diseases, idiopathic cardiomyopathy, various arrhythmias, and heart failure. Some of the patients are heart transplant recipients undergoing follow-ups (including heart muscle biopsies), or heart transplant candidates who require evaluation and treatment.

Patients are admitted to the department from the emergency room, from the Intensive Cardiac Care unit, from the catheter/pacemaker room, the Heart Center clinics, all departments of the hospital, as well as from other hospitals.

Assessment and diagnosis are performed using advanced technologies such as cardiac catheterization, echocardiography, nuclear cardiology (cardiac mapping), Holter monitoring, electrophysiological tests, CT and cardiac MRI. Treatments include Cardiac catheterization with coronary artery dilatation, valve implantation, treatment of atria ventricular septal defect, electrical rhythm reversal, electrophysiological interventions, and pacemaker implantation. During hospitalization, our patients are closely monitored using a central/mobile monitor and undergo rehabilitation that includes early mobility. Patients who have had a heart attack/catheterization or are preparing for a pacemaker implantation also receive guidance.

For effective treatment, it's important to share information on your medical history, including disease summaries, previous ECG charts, and test results like echocardiography, catheterization, and laboratory tests. 
