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About Us

The JSNC is directed by Dr. Itzik Cooper. Located within Sheba Medical Center's Outpatient Clinics building, and with easy access to the considerable resources of Israel's largest hospital, the JSNC is a multidisciplinary center bringing together scientists and clinical researchers with expertise in basic, clinical and epidemiological neuroscience, and who share the center's vision to be a leader in the conduct, dissemination and translation of innovative and groundbreaking neuroscience research.    

Since its founding in 2004, the JSNC has conducted numerous studies that have made critical contributions to the shaping of new knowledge at the international level, and has played a role in the training of bright and promising young scientists in neuroscience and related fields.

The JSNC attracts top undergraduate and graduate students from universities across Israel, and indeed from abroad who get opportunities to work with researchers in the JSNC and access to cutting edge research studies and vital educational experience.

The JSNC holds a monthly scientific seminar in a guest lecture format with speakers from around the world coming to give lectures. *To be notified of upcoming seminar lectures, ask to be added to our mailing list!


What we do

Our research can be broadly divided into three areas: Basic neuroscience, clinical research, and epidemiology focused on the overarching topics of neuroimmunity, cerebrovascular disease, brain in vivo biomarkers, and specifically on Alzheimer's disease and cognitive aging, traumatic brain injury, and glioblastoma. In addition, the JSNC coordinates the establishment of Israel's first brain bank and is the nation’s leader in Alzheimer’s brain based biomarkers research. The JSNC is comprised of 30 staff members including investigators, students, technicians, research coordinators, study physicians and neuropsychologists.



Research at the JSNC is supported by a variety of competitive funding sources both within and outside of Israel, as well as by private donations. Current funding sources include the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, the US National Institutes of Health, The American Federation for Aging Research, the US Department of Defense, the BrightFocus Foundation, and the Alzheimer's Association, Pfizer and Teva Pharmaceuticals.


Research Infrastructure

The Israel National Brain Repository (INBR) - at Sheba was established to provide the highest quality of brain tissue. The brain tissue is an essential tool to achieve the growing demand to accelerate biomedical research and medication development through clinical resources in order to apply the best therapeutic solutions for patients suffering from different neurodegenerative disease and dementia in particular. Over 350 individuals have already signed intent to autopsy. Our brain repository is scientifically supported by the Mount Sinai National Institutes of Health Brain and Tissue Repository.

The JSNC laboratories are fully equipped with critical infrastructure needed for the successful completion of biological brain research. Our facilities include wet bench space for molecular neurobiology, biochemistry as well as for immunocytochemistry including fluorescent microscopy, fully equipped tissue culture rooms with biological and chemical cabinets, absorbance and fluorescence microplate readers, real-time PCR machine, centrifuges, Western blots (WB) apparatus (Odyssey), liquid nitrogen storage and -80C freezers. Our collaborator, Dr. Yael Mardor is the director of The Advanced Technology Center at Sheba Medical Center that occupies 3,000m2 of offices, biological, optical, ultrasound and computer labs and clinics. The technologies include a GE (1.5T) interventional MRI and Excite GE (1.5T) MRI. The 3.0T MRI at the Radiology Department is dedicated for the MR Research Group once a week, with additional time as needed. The MR Research Group headed by Dr. Mardor has expertise in MR image processing/analysis, especially in drug delivery to the brain, monitoring response to therapy and BBB function. The lab is equipped with all necessary computational hardware and software. In collaboration with Prof. Simona Ben-Haim we use Sheba’s PET-CT equipment for brain imaging of amyloid and tau.



The JSNC maintains many active collaborations with local (within Sheba Medical Center), national and international research institutes. Below is a list of current and former collaborators at Sheba, nationally, and internationally.

Within Sheba

Researchers at the JSNC work closely with researchers in the Diagnostic Imaging Department, the Advanced Technology Center, the Center of Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation, the Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology, Lipids, and Ophthalmology.

Within Israel

Researchers at the JSNC maintain many active collaborations with scientists from all of Israel’s leading universities (Weizmann Institute, Tel-Aviv University, Hebrew University, Bar-Ilan University and Ben-Gurion University, the Volcanic Institute, the Interdisciplinary Center), medical research institutions (e.g., Hadasah Hospital), and the Israeli HMOs, primary the Maccabi Health Services.    


Researchers at the JSNC also maintain active collaborations with leading academic institutions around the world, particularly in North America (The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Harvard, Rush University, Mayo Clinic, Cedars Sinai, University of Wisconsin, Kaiser Permanente Research Institute, University of California Irvine, Pittsburgh University), as well as in Europe (London Kings College, Prague Psychiatric Center), and Australia (The Australian National University, University of Melbourne).