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MRI Examinations in Children

At Sheba Medical Center advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is performed on fetuses, infants and children. MRI is a diagnostic tool requiring no ionizing radiation, a great advantage when performing imaging studies on children. MRI is based on strong magnetic fields and radio waves. They are utilized to create images with excellent tissue characterization, in multiple viewing planes and in minute detail. MRI on children is performed under the guidance and supervision of pediatric imaging staff physicians in the MRI center. This section of the main imaging department is located at the base of the main inpatient tower.


In young children (usually less than 5 yrs, but possibly any child) this exam is performed under general anesthesia. This is due to the relatively long exam time (30-60 minutes) and the sensitivity of this type of imaging to motion. During the exam the patient has to lay almost motionless for long periods of time. The MRI machine (or magnet) makes thumping noises during imaging.