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Mother-Baby Therapy for Mothers with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Director: Dr. Vered Bar

Psychologist Coordinator of the Mother-Baby Day Care Unit: Liat Amiel Golan


Phones: 03-5305915. 03-5303352 (you can leave a message)


Clinic hours:

Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00-16:00 (on Sunday and Thursday mothers come with their babies and on Tuesday they come by themselves)


Rehabilitation Building, Floor 2

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

The mother-baby intensive care unit offers support to women dealing with postnatal depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges for up to six months post-childbirth, providing comprehensive and focused care. It stands as Israel's pioneering unit dedicated to nurturing the mother and her bond with the baby.

Our staff comprises experienced professionals from across the fields of psychiatry, psychology, social work, expression therapy and physiotherapy.

Each day of treatment (attendance is required three days a week) involves at least two therapy groups and personal, family, and dyadic interventions (mother-infant relationship). Every fortnight, we also run a fathers' group.
