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Uveitis Clinic for Treatment of Inflammatory Eye Diseases

Doctor in Charge: Dr. Eyal Raskin


For appointments, please call 03-5305000 or chat with us on our website.


Goldschleger Eye Institute Building, Entrance Floor

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

At the Uveitis Clinic, we diagnose and treat a range of inflammatory eye conditions, including anterior, middle, and posterior uveitis (inflammation of the uvea), scleritis/episcleritis (inflammations involving the wall/shell of the eye), and scarring conjunctival diseases. These conditions call for a thorough diagnosis, involving a doctor's examination, detailed questioning, and eye imaging tests. Sometimes, blood and urine tests, as well as additional imaging tests (such as X-ray, CT, and MRI), are also necessary. We work closely with the Ophthalmic Imaging Institute, where cutting-edge photography and imaging techniques are readily available.
Thorough investigation helps identify the disease type, explore potential causes (e.g. infectious or autoimmune), and pinpoint signs of a systemic inflammatory disease if suspected. Treatment options are diverse, including eye drops, injections around the eye, and oral medications like steroids or other anti-inflammatory medications.
Our clinic team places the patient at the heart of care, and we strive to ensure treatments are tailored to suit their lifestyle and preferences. Our team works closely with top specialists at Sheba, including experts in rheumatology, gastroenterology, pulmonary care, infectious diseases, and oncology.
