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Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Director of the Department of Plastic Surgery: Prof. Josef Haik

Head of breast reconstruction service:
Dr. Ariel Tessone


Phone: 03-5302405

Fax: 03-5302246


Hospitalization Tower, West Wing, 1st floor

Directions to Sheba

Parking and Payment Exemption Information

In these surgeries, we aim to reconstruct breasts that have been surgically removed for various reasons. There are two common approaches for breast reconstruction: one that involves using a silicone prosthesis and skin stretchers, and another that utilizes autologous tissue from other areas of the body through a microsurgical method.

There are several factors to consider when deciding which method to choose. These include the amount and quality of the skin left after surgery, the location of the scar, the presence or absence of pectoral muscles, and the condition of the other breast.

Recovery time depends on various factors, such as the size of the tumor removed, the woman's condition after the operation, and the need for additional treatments.

In certain situations, the reconstruction can be done simultaneously with the resection surgery. In other cases, as advised, it's recommended to wait for several months. It is important to mention that a breast can still be reconstructed even 20 years or more after it has been removed.
