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Mohs Micrographic Surgery Unit

Director of the Plastic Surgery and Burns department: Prof. Yossi Haik

Director of the Mohs Surgery Unit: Dr. Galit Avinoam-Dar


Phone: 03-5305275


Hospitalization Tower, Advanced Technologies, Entrance Floor (after the operating rooms)

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The Mohs Surgery Unit at Sheba Medical Center is the largest and busiest in Israel and provides specialized surgical care to patients with all kinds of malignant skin tumorsThe Mohs Unit has performed successfully thousands of Mohs operations.

Mohs Micrographic Surgery, an advanced treatment procedure for Skin Cancer, offers the highest potential for cure, even if the Skin Cancer has been previously treated unsuccessfully. This is a state-of-the-art treatment in which the physician serves as a surgeon, a pathologist, and a reconstructive surgeon. The procedure relies on the accuracy of a microscope to trace and ensure removal of Skin Cancer down to its roots.

This procedure allows the physician to see beyond the visible disease and to precisely identify and remove the entire tumor, leaving healthy tissue unharmed and the minimal possible defect. Mohs Micrographic Surgery is most often used in treating two of the most common forms of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and Squamous cell carcinoma, and also other forms of skin cancer.

The cure rate for Mohs Micrographic Surgery is the highest of all treatments for Skin Cancer-up to 99 percent even if other forms of treatment have failed. This procedure, the most exact and precise method of tumor removal, minimizes the chance of re-growth and lessens the potential for scarring or disfigurement.

The Mohs Surgery Unit at Sheba Medical Center gained recognition from the European Society of Mohs Surgery (ESMS) as an official training center for Micrographic Surgery fellowship and became the fourth center outside Europe to bear this distinction. 

The establishment of the training site is a result of a successful collaboration between the Department of Plastic Surgery and the Department of Dermatology. The program will be co-chaired by Dr. Galit Avinoam, Director of Mohs Surgery Unit and Dr. Mariana Zamir, Director of Dermatologic Surgery Services, both recognized as certified Mohs micrographic surgeons by the ESMS.
